Yodel in Hi-Fi aired on London’s Resonance FM
In preparation of our 'That Global Glottis' YODEL program at the next Operadays Festival thursday the 30th May, a few actions took place already. Andrea Wittchen launched the kick-off with Gioacchino Rossini's 'La pastorella degli alpi’ and a collective Norwegian cow call.
Ergo Phizmiz is delving completely in bart plantenga's book 'Yodel in Hi-Fi: From Kitsch Folk to Contemporary Electronica'. Being inspirered by all the detailed information, his new Operina will draw really heavily on the histories of yodelling.
bart plantenga made this special extended mix of a show that aired on London’s Resonance FM [5 & 8 April] inc. Eno’s full “Deadly Finns,” a longer version of Minton’s “One Yoddelling,” Kenny Roberts’ “Cannonball Yodel,” & a Lullaby Yodel mix of Mary Schneider, Tex Cochrane, Kim Hong Chul, 3 Stooges & Kutzkelina’s “Lullaby.”
This WTM is presented in conjunction with his book Yodel in HiFi: From Kitsch Folk to Contemporary Electronica [http://bartplantenga.weebly.com/yodel-in-hifi.html] to showcase renewed uses of yodeling in contemporary new music [& some older]. Yodeling’s death has been greatly exaggerated.
Phil Minton & Kutzkelina feature in this year’s Rotterdam Opera Days on May 30.
Rotterdam Opera Days: http://www.operadagenrotterdam.nl/en/...
Resonance FM: http://resonancefm.com/
Radio Patapoe: http://radiopatapoe.nl/
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