New Release Sten Hanson
Thu 30-08-2012
We are working on a release in our Public Sound series with Sten Hanson. Speed up, slow down, revers. Text sound with voice and magnetic tape. We will focus on this fenomenon in his work. The release will be accompanied with an essay by G.J de Rook. A special limited edition with a silkscreen of his HEMA (= home in Swedish) will be offered.
Sten Hanson has been working with experimental music, literature and art since the beginning of the 1960's, cultivating both instrumental, vocal and electro-acoustic music for performance on radio and television, on outdoor occasions or from the concert platform. From an early stage he was aware of the importance of tape-recording techniques in the renewal and development of poetry’s resources. Text-sound-visual image, often combined with intensely personal 'live" performances, are vital ingredients in Sten Hanson's artistic workmanship and he is ore of the forerunners in the field of multi-media art. He himself has been on numerous performing and lecturing tours all over the world. He was quick to realise the importance of the tape recorder as a factor in the renewal of poetry and the ability of text-sound compositions to break the isolation often experienced by an author in a small language area.
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