Tue 14 Jan 2020
Check out here the MSHR music video which belongs to their )HRHED( project for DE PLAYER. It refers to the SIGNAL HYBRID RECURSION; the freshly released package of sound and image we produced with them. "This project explores the intersection of our sculptural and sonic practices, in their procedural and formal aspects. The sculptures were created in the open source 3d modeling program Blender,...
Tue 3 Sep 2019
new great content for our after summer start
We start the new season with 2 remarkable records by BJ Nilsen and John Duncan. Soon also #PLZ, RESCHYKLI$CCH... by Karl Holmqvist will be presented. The Black Moon record by John Duncan will also be released as a special editions. This one will come later this year and is a package with the record plus a customised radio receiver, signed and numbered.
Wed 22 May 2019
With spiritual mountain psycho Frank Hurricane we have completed our line up for GARDENA FEST V. It is an honour to have all these artists for our first jubilee. And it will be for us and the artists an honour to serve you as a visitor with this exquisite program.Jennifer Hymer performing Annea Lockwood, John Bence, MSHR, Frank Hurricane, TinTin Patrone, Annelies Monseré, Kramp, Beyt Al Tapes,...
Thu 25 Apr 2019
)HRHED( funded by Creative Industries Fund NL
We are delighted to let you know that our project )HRHED( is supported by Creative Industries Fund NL.We will work for 2 years on projects with Caz Egelie, ITU (Anni Puolakka & Miša Skalskis), MSHR (Birch Cooper & Brenna Murphy) and Evelin Brosi & Elvis Bonier.)HRHED( deals with exporing new artistic and social interfaces for sound and performance arts. Every artist will develop a...
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The Beheading of the Fruit Fly
THE BEHEADING OF THE FRUITFLY (How will I know if...Antye Guenther -
Why Don't You Go Off And Play Your Own Fiddle
This item we made in cooperation with Florian...Florian Cramer -
This magazine is made with content of Sven Ake...Duncan Harrison | Karina Dukalska | Sven Ake Johansson